Recipes archive


I use pesto for spreads, dips, sauces and marinades making it my go-to ingredient in my kitchen over the years. I always make sure there is at least one jar of it in the pantry. Through experimenting, I created this easy 10-minute recipe that always tastes great. Go ahead and give it a try and don't be afraid to make it your own.

Fluffy pancakes are every cook's weekend dream. For breakfast or brunch, you'll have this batter ready in no time. There are so many things that you can put on top but my family loves them the traditional way. Maple syrup and fruit. We call the big stack the pancake cake and try to make it at least once a month.

Asparagus Soup


This delicious creamy soup is perfect for spring and summer dinners and super easy to make. You will only need a few basic ingredients and fresh asparagus. Make sure that you are buying locally grown produce and support local farmers. Garnish with croutons, fresh herbs or a dollop of whipped cream and you are in for a treat.

Spicy pumpkin soup works as a perfect pick-me-up on cold and rainy fall days. Its orange color will make you smile and its rich flavor will make you fall in love. I like combining it with different types of cheeses, herbs and spices. What works best is fresh sage and dried thyme. A garnish of roasted pumpkin seeds is simply a must.

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